
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2011

Whip My Hair Lyrics



H ari ini, UTS BP 4!!! Whoaaaaaaaa......soalnya bikin pusing banget , ditambah lagi saya kedatangan "tamu", rasanya makin tak konsen saja, sarapan pagi sedikit dan semalem saya merasa kurang maksimal belajarnya. Hmmmmm, semoga aja pas UAS  nanti soal-soalnya lebih mudah deh, AMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN........ Setelah keluar kelas dengan perasaan lega, saya dan rekan AIUEO ngobrol-ngobrol di pendopo Sastra. Kami berencana buat tugas rekaman Labo de BP 4 (Lab Bahasa Perancis) di asramanya Leoni dan Niela, tapi harus nunggu jualan risol dulu, dan nungguin rapat kaderisasinya Yulis, Veggy sama Leoni. Niela pulang duluan ke asrama soalnya sakit perut. Akhirnya setelah selesai urusannya, saya, Yulis, Leoni, dan Veggy pergi juga ke asrama, naik angkot gratis UNPAD. Hampir aja ada tiga dedemit mau masuk angkot yang kita naikin (mungkin kalian udah ada yang tau siapa 3 dedemit itu), untungnya mereka sadar ada kita, jadi mereka juga males naik, hohohoho....

We Were Happy

I am very berry strawberry happy... pourquoi (why) ? coz my relationship with my boyfriend has a week and 2 days. Now, I really really love him and I don't wanna lose him. I don't wanna lose anymore. Maybe, some of you think I'm a woman who's not good coz I often change boyfriends. Really, I swear...I don't wanna be like that. But the fate set out like that and I met him. He's serious to me. I don't wanna waste this opportunity again. I'll always love him, although now a lot of obstacles for both of us. 21 is my everything.... thanks for you have been present in my life.

I Knew Their Loves Me Much

Veggy parle : "Setiap yang siap memiliki, harus siap kehilangan. MASIH BANYAK YANG SAYANG KAMU DARLOO..So please, terbitkan senyummu lagi. Sudah beberapa hari ini kau mendung sayaaaangggg, yang mencintai tak mungkin menyakiti, kami mencintai kamu, apa kami menyakiti kamu? fikirkan saja itu :* :* :* "  " Hei, jangan begitu manis, kamu cuma butuh waktu, butuh waktu buat nenangin hati kamu, setelah nggak bergejolak lagi, hati kamu bisa menerima yang lain :) liat positifnya dari situ, dia nyerah, tandanya tak ada jalan, kamu bisa mengambil hikmah kalo memang mungkin jalannya kamu nggak sama dia fa, dan percaya bahwa masih bannnyyyyyaaakkkk yang lebih baik diluar sana darlingg..emang mudah cuma ngomong kayak gitu, tapi nanti bakal kamu sadari, saat kamu nemuin yang lebih baik dari mereka-mereka kemaren faa, dan kamu bakal  bersyukur kalo kamu nggak hidup di keterpurukan :) Yulis parle : "Happy Birthday Rapha sayang...wish you all the best...aku selalu sayang Rapha, ber


Yay, finally after months of our meeting and make the fund business, FESTIVOLUTIC event finally arrived. Many who make us happy, sad, angry, annoyed, but happy mixed into one. These are the days we struggled to make money. we sold secondhand t-shirt :D You must be tired, Aree :D Me and Berry :) And ,   with   struggle   and   solidarity,  we   are   producing   this event   ... FESTIVOLUTIC Crew Teater Jalanan DOG LOVERS JATINANGOR Revina and I (with cuttie puppy :*) me with Aulia, Veggy and Dipsy (Dipong Snake), but I called Clantina, hihihihi :) P.S : Veggy want to buy a snake, hiiiiiiii...... And some photos will be overtake.... to be continued....

You make me feel happy, seriously!!

Yesterday, me and my boyfriends exchange of paper the contents of our experiences, things that we like and who we hate and others.I only write one page, while he was up to 5 paper. I was surprised, but I'm glad, it means he's serious to me, hahaha. I write silly things while he write serious matters. And the words that make me affected is ... "It is time that had an answer for everything that happens in this world. Including my hopes on you with my love feelings to you too.You answered with certainty and (be seen) happy. Now time can not explain how sequence we are happy. But someday I'llexplain how we close on time. Which now I feel is I love you so much, I felt an irresistible longing again to you, I'm happy, because this time I feel love (again). I want, when you can answer my expectations in every night. You will forever be mine until it was something that makes us separate. I do not expect it there. Never had hoped. I'm happy that there are all wi

Keluhan perempuan yang sedang jatuh cinta

" Sebel banget ya hari ini... udah nggak ketemu, udara dingin, providerku gangguan, providermu pending terus kalo lagi ngirim sms, aku telat bangun, kamu nggak jadi les......"

Tanggal 21 bulan Maret tahun 2011

haahahahahahahahaha, sedang sen ang!!!! sekian :D